Hello, my name is Trevor Wittke. My wife Asella and I grew up here in District 2, we met in high school, and have been together ever since. We are raising our two children here in Mokelumne Hill. Our parents Beth Wittke, and Maggi and Richard Blood, also live in District 2 where they are active in the local community.
I am running for District 2 Supervisor with the intention of working with our community to develop concrete solutions to issues facing local residents. As the Executive Director of the Calaveras Cannabis Alliance I worked with stakeholders across the County to craft compromise land use policy that moved commercial cannabis activity out of residential neighborhoods, created 83 small businesses, 530 good paying local jobs, generating $14 million to $20 million in economic activity and over $3 million in annual tax revenue for the County.
Being County Supervisor is a full time job. A Supervisor’s primary responsibilities are to develop collaborative relationships, work toward shared goals of the County and meet our responsibilities to the public. As Supervisor I will work to meet the day-to-day needs of the community and to ensure that the County is providing the necessary services for District 2 residents. During this campaign I intend to meet you in your communities to earn your vote.
I am running for District 2 Supervisor with the intention of working with our community to develop concrete solutions to issues facing local residents. As the Executive Director of the Calaveras Cannabis Alliance I worked with stakeholders across the County to craft compromise land use policy that moved commercial cannabis activity out of residential neighborhoods, created 83 small businesses, 530 good paying local jobs, generating $14 million to $20 million in economic activity and over $3 million in annual tax revenue for the County.
Being County Supervisor is a full time job. A Supervisor’s primary responsibilities are to develop collaborative relationships, work toward shared goals of the County and meet our responsibilities to the public. As Supervisor I will work to meet the day-to-day needs of the community and to ensure that the County is providing the necessary services for District 2 residents. During this campaign I intend to meet you in your communities to earn your vote.
Maintain the unique and historical character of our local communities while providing the services we need and creating opportunities for local families and businesses.
Implement the Glencoe, Mokelumne Hill, Mountain Ranch, Paloma, Railroad Flat, Sheep Ranch, West Point, and Wilseyville Community Plans.
Encourage economic development that fits the character and needs of Calaveras County focusing on land management, resource conservation, recreational tourism, workforce development, vocational education and the creation of value added opportunities in our agricultural sector to help build a resilient and robust local economy.
Prioritize public safety with a comprehensive approach to address the issue. Develop Wildfire Protection Plans with every community. Adopt, implement and secure funding for the over 200 road improvement projects identified in the Evacuation Preparedness Plan.
We appreciate you contributing your hard earned dollars to support our campaign. We know we have to work hard to reciprocate your investment. Your contribution is a testament to our shared commitment and dedication to accomplish our goals for our community and for the District.
Community Services
There is a shortage of available housing in Calaveras County. To date we have still not recovered in D2 from the Butte Fire. Countywide roughly 30% of existing housing stock is unavailable because of the prevalence of second homes and short term rentals. I support the work of the Health and Human Service Department’s Housing and Community Programs, the work of Habitat for Humanity constructing affordable housing to help develop solutions to the housing crisis in Calaveras.
Educational Opportunities
We must support Calaveras Unified School District by working with local, state, and federal partners to improve the financial condition of CUSD. The county has a responsibility to address the safety and accessibility of our schools by improving traffic safety and walkability around our local schools.
Healthcare Services
Access and availability of healthcare is a significant issue in Calaveras County. We must work with and continue to develop local partnerships with healthcare providers to expand access to healthcare in District 2.
Senior Services
Calaveras County has a large senior population that is an essential element of our community. We must work with local, state, and federal agencies and local senior service providers to help address cost of living increases for seniors on fixed incomes. We must work with healthcare providers to improve availability and access to healthcare.
Parks and Recreation
We must continue to support the work being done to maintain, revitalize and develop our parks and recreational facilities. We can do more to improve access to local parks and recreation areas by addressing traffic safety and walkability of towns. We can also work to improve accessibility to public lands and forest roads to develop parks, gardens, hiking trails, and recreational facilities throughout District 2 for local residents and recreational tourists.
Disadvantage Legacy Communities
There are 6 Legacy Disadvantaged Communities in Calaveras County, 5 of these are located partly or entirely in District 2. Under California law we have an obligation to identify and address the critical infrastructure and fire safety needs these of communities.
For more information view my Platform